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Wear Self Care Designs

Pyrite in Aged Copper

Pyrite in Aged Copper

Regular price $65.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $65.00 USD
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***Quick Facts about Pyrite aka Fool’s Gold
*Keywords: Manifestation, Activation, Willpower, Access to Divine Masculine, Creativity and Confidence

*Element: Earth

*Chakra: 3rd (Solar Plexus)

*Excellent for balancing polarities

*Boost in Vitality

*Used metaphysically as a money drawing stone

*Ideal stone for students as it increases clarity and focus when undertaking tasks 

*Enhanced male energy (can benefit all gender identities)

*Aged Copper holds more residual energy and, when applied to this money stone, gears the piece towards bringing in “old” money through others. 

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