Rootwork Illustrated Blog

Snake Plant

Snake Plant

Meet the Snake Plant: a symbol of resilience, purification, and luck. Let Nzitu guide you to prosperity and protection.

Snake Plant

Meet the Snake Plant: a symbol of resilience, purification, and luck. Let Nzitu guide you to prosperity and protection.



Embrace "Shuga," Sugarcane's spirit, from Southeast Asia to global sweetness. Once "White Gold," now a symbol of love and healing.


Embrace "Shuga," Sugarcane's spirit, from Southeast Asia to global sweetness. Once "White Gold," now a symbol of love and healing.

Wolf's Bane

Wolf's Bane

Wolf’s Bane: Ancient guardian against dark forces, potent yet perilously toxic. A revered, mystical ally in the battle against evil.

Wolf's Bane

Wolf’s Bane: Ancient guardian against dark forces, potent yet perilously toxic. A revered, mystical ally in the battle against evil.