

“Shuga” Baby/Sugar represents the spirit of Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum ).
Believed to have originated in Southeast Asia (near the Phillipines), Sugarcane cultivation expanded dramatically in the Atlantic islands and later in the Americas. The demand for labor in sugarcane plantations was a significant driver of the Atlantic slave trade. Sugar became known as “White Gold” at one point.
Although referred to as “King Sugarcane” for its economic impact, Sugarcane is a feminine Spirit of Water associated with Venus making her areas of influence all things related to love and “sweetness”. The more gentle and playful side of allure.
Sugarcane, sugarcane syrup, sweets and sweetened desserts are offerings for deities and elevated spirits across various pantheons from India, Africa, The Phillipines and the Americas. Some goddesses such as Lakshmi are even depicted carrying sugarcane.
Medicinally, sugar was once considered a rare and expensive medicine in apothecaries as a stimulant, laxative and (of course) assisting in masking the flavor of “vile tasting” remedies (“a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down”). Many of the same properties that makes sugar an excellent preservative also make sugar effective in wound healing as it absorbs moisture making it harder for bacteria to grow.
Spiritually, Sugar is primarily used for love, attraction and sweetening works. It’s said chewing sugarcane while thinking of an intended partner will make them sweet on you. Adding sugar to workings (for example jar spells) can expedite and ensure good, SWEET things come your way.
If life (or people) are a little sour and you need to sweeten your circumstances, commune with this powerful Spirit of Sugarcane that’s popularity and usage has only increased the world over.
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